Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The history of picture frame

One of the earliest frame examples was a discovery made in an Egyptian tomb dating back to 2nd century A.D. in which a fa yum mummy portrait  was discovered at Hawara still within its wooden frame. According to historians,the portrait is said to be preserved by the desert climate that's why it lasts for a long time. The framing borders used by ancient arts to divide scenes and ornamentation by ancient Egyptians and Greek pottery and wall-paintings,the first carved paintings that we know today was placed in small panel painting since 12th and 13th century in Europe. According to historical series in one of the leading Magazines, these early frame panel paintings were maid only in one piece. This method was realized to be an expensive one, they discover a new way to create frames by the use of mitered moulding strips. This strips is attached to the wooden panel which is similar result to carved panel. This is known as an engaged frame. In 14th and 15th century, most European frames were used only for church design and it is unmovable,but in Italy, frames are popular for the noble such as the Medici family and began the development of movable frames. During the reign of Francis 1,many workers came to Italy and partake in the arts trade including Leonardo Da Vinci. Frames are now design by the common people anywhere in the world and as a means of income to others.


  1. wOw!!!amazing history...
    i was impress when i read the history of it..heheEe!
    A loving nature product1
    GreAt job guyZz!!

  2. hiligaYnon gd yahH..?hmp..?

  3. wat a nice blog of yours...
